Your Friendly Error Code Index

Inspirational instructions for dealing with unhelpful error codes

200: Welcome!

I'm so glad you're here!
This web page is intended to be a place of tranquility, to visit in your time of need when you come across a particularly unhelpful error code.
For example, you may be greated by an error such as:

ERROR -41: Failure!

Wouldn't it be great if there was something to tell you what to do about this error?!
Wouldn't it be great if it said

ERROR -41: Sit by a lake


Well, there's not a lot we can do about the actual output of the application, sorry. BUT that's OK! Just visit this website, type in your error code, and hopefully someone has come across it before and decided on the best way to deal with it.

Use the search box at the top to find your error code. A full index of codes are also listed here

You can also subscribe to the RSS feed to be alerted of friendly error codes as they are published.